Yep, you've seen my previous post: 'Teasers'. Well, this is the elaborated version then :p I'm tooooooo tired to write last night. So I better sleep and write on the next day (which is today). Haha.. Here you go.
Daud called to ask whether we (Ryan and I) want to watch N.E.R.D on March 19th. Apperently, Ryan just bought NylonGuys two days ago, with Pharrel as the cover image. I remember him saying: "Kapan ya N.E.R.D k sini? Aku pingin banget nonton. Mau ketemu yg cinaaaa!" and I replied: "Well, gk tau deh. sabar aja ya. Kayanya gk mungkin dalam waktu dekat ini deh." And yet, he's very lucky. We bought the student ticket today (uh-huh, he can't sleep just thinking about whether we're gonna get the ticket or not, cz it's selling fazzztt. and he kept talking and talking and blabbering until he fell asleep :s). The seat is not THAT bad, but yeaaaaa we paid 43 bucks for each. Good deal, huuhh? Thanks to Mosaic Festival!
The three of us watched Slumdog Millionaire last night. After a zuper fazt dinner Ryan and Daud had at Yoshinoya (Done within 15 mins and I'm not eating cz it took me a looongg time to finish) OH MAN! SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE DESERVE THE DOMINATING 8 OSCARS! I mean, maaaann! The storyline is soooo original, and the cast?!?!! Arghh! It's not easy to swap your accent from british to hindi (or tamil?) you knooowww! Wa wa waaa! Dev Patel is just just just too too too CUUUTTEEE! And yeeess, he's just a few days younger than me :D Awwww... And yeaa, Ayush Mahesh Khedekar (the young Jamal) is totally adorable (: Told ya, those named Jamal are mostly cuties that'll grow up into hotties! Hahaha..
Slumdohg milliohnaiyre is simplay slummin!
Mmmm.. What else? OH! COLDPLAY! They're coming on March 23 and yeepp, we already got the tickets! :D Can't waaiiiiittt.. And again, Ryan ask her sister to go to the tailor and make the EXACT jacket Chris Martin's wearing on the picture below (scroll down)
And one more thing, I envy people who knows every single upcoming concerts. They're the ones who bought up all the tickets and yeeeeaaaa, i'm left with the bad seats or NO SEAT AT ALL! Eurghhhh!
Bye Jason Mraz... :'''''''(