Sunday, May 31, 2009



Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Call

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

define: sad

no we didn't die, we just never had a chance to grow.
it's not that our love died, it just never really bloomed.

baby dearest,

where did i go wrong? i should have told you from the start that i'm closer then you think when we're apart. nothing that i've tried is as simple as this line. but without you my life is incomplete my days are absolutely gray, and so i try let your heart know for sure that i have so much more to tell you every single day.

you better save those words up and give it to whoever else in need.

naahh, i have the ultimate eye candy to stare at tho. he looks better than you.

and i melt in his arms whenever he hugs me. whoa!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

routine bites hard

love you cha.
don't say those three words since we both know that love,
love will tear us apart again.

too msyli, dudeeeeeeee

photo courtesy:
There are known knowns,
There are things we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns,
That is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
There are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don’t know we don’t know.

line 10

oh hello, you're back again (:
always have, always will.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Buy something like this, Baby.
and I'll borrow it from you.


Well, I told you via twitter that I'm feeling a bit freaky.

!@$!##@&!#%#%!%!#%!%!%$$@$ eurrrggghhh!i'm feeling freaky. like this: ~~~~~~~~~~~ nyuut, nyuut.. grrhh! idk :|Freaky in a sense that I myself don't know how I feel. The biggest possibility of the cause might be the sad situation at home. Yea, home; real home. Sad to know that you're 'okay' here but you're family back home currently facing a big problem that they themselves don't know how to handle.

Shoots, I really hope I can go back soon and make things at least a bit better for all of them. But yeaa, the hope is fading away since I'm sure I can't go back unless for the weekend of July 12. Geezz, I wanna cry..

I'm sorry. I know I have to be stronger than you know.
But still, I have my moments.

ry: "hmmmm?"

ooh yea! hahahaha..


" people like you who make people like me like people like you "

Hopefully this will answer some of your questions about what I do. » link to What’s In Your Backpack, Tricia Huffman, Jason Mraz’s Tour ‘Joyologist’?

Dear pimple in my eyebrow: I appreciate you staying discrete, but goodness, you are painful.

I just realized that growing up too early would somehow kill you - mentally.

When you can't see what is true, change your point of view.

his twitbit

I've been making love with my quizes! :p haha


i just realized that i can be a good listener and adviser, but i can't be a good storyteller when it comes to my 'personal' issues. whoa!

define: lame.

back to the old theme for the time being.
so lame :s

Monday, May 25, 2009

define: theme.

okay, i've decided.
i REALLY need to change the layout and theme of my blog!
any ideaaaaa? any good source or website that are user friendly anyone?
pls pls pls plsssss..


Sunday, May 24, 2009

define: something.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

je te déteste

i never liked you anyway.

you better listen, real good.


now you do the maths

Thursday, May 14, 2009

you can trust me not to think.



envier |ˈenvēər| |ˈɛnviər| noun

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

VF 505

yeeee-haaa! it's now 7:51:08pm and i'm waiting for my plane to come and pick me up.
mayyeeenn! i go in waaayy too fast since BRIYANA look at the boarding time wrongly. hahaha..
its fine, tho. i get to enjoy my time surfing the web and everythin :p

see you guys (:


Monday, May 4, 2009

B-E-T-E !!!

untuk pertama kalinya gue ngepost dengan bahasa indonesia. pertanyaan pertama pasti kenapa bahasa indonesia dan kenapa pake 'gue'. oke, bahasa indonesia dipake supaya marah"nya lebih enak dan kalo sampe orang dr kelompok gue yg gk bisa bahasa indonesia baca, ya dia mesti susah" k google translator dan translate tulisan ini. ya kalo dianya niat. dan kenapa 'gue', itu karena MARAH. sangat" MARAH sampe gk tau lg mesti gimana. cool? yaudah.

jadi gini ceritanya.. sebenernya sih marahnya bukan cuman gara" orang ini. cuman emang udh dr sore bete dan bermasalah, malemnya makin kesel lagi, pagi bangun" ada firasat gk enak dan BENER KAN pas buka facebook emang bener ketauan. emang nih facebook bikin bete aja bisanya. gimana kalo dimatiin lg aja? gila ya, udah jauh" aja masih bisa dihubungkan pake hal sekecil website. gila!!! cuman diujung jari aja semuanya bisa kebuka. okay okay, balik k permasalahan utama.

ah ga tau ah gk yakin mau diceritain d sini. gk tau pokonya betee! masih terlalu bete buat nyurhatin lewat tulisan. pernah gk sih kalian sangkin betenya dadanya kerasa sakit banget ky sesek gitu? NAH ITULAH APA YG GUE RASAKAN SEKARANG! paraahhhh!

nanti diupdate lagi deh kalo udh niat buat cerita ya.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Like You (and me, too)

(The rules: Put the logo on your post. Nominate 5-10 blogs you like. Be sure to link to your nominees in your post. Let them know they have received the award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and the person who gave you the award.)

I'd love to give this award to the following aces:
Daud from his elusive notions, Alyza from camera rolling, and... action!, Alan from i know i should think a better name for this blog, Tavi from style rookie and The Satorialist from the satorialist.

With as much creativity as you can muster, show your heart in:
1 picture
1 poem
1 song or piece of music
1 phrase or quote
1 item of clothing
1 place
1 Disney princess
If you want to join in, tag 6 more blogs!

Should I break away?

Exhausted heart by fear
for years
befriend the darkness
I hold his hands
he holds my soul
*Cecil Mariani

If the world was mine, I'd paint it gold and green.
I'd make the oceans orange for a brilliant color scheme.
I would color all the mountains, make the sky forever blue.
So the world would be a painting and I'd live inside with you

Place yourself as a tree with bad boughs.
Cut them down right away, don't let those minors ruin your whole tree.
You'll see, that you'll grow stronger and stronger.
*Hansen Malau

Summer Dress! (:

... and a perfect tune of jazz

Princess Jasmine from Aladdin