Monday, August 31, 2009


You can tell by the way, she walks that she's my girl
You can tell by the way, she talks that she rules the world.
You can see in her eyes that no one is her chain.
She's my girl, my supergirl.

And then she'd say, it's Ok, I got lost on the way
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls don't cry.
And then she'd say, it's alright, I got home late last night,
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls just fly.

And then she'd say that nothing can go wrong.
When you're in love, what can go wrong?
And then she'd laugh the nightime into day
pushing her fear further long.

best i ever had

mmm yea, i miss these times so much. more than you can imagine.
these people are my bests, until now :')
aaaah, i just realized there' no picture of one of my babes! haha..

there you go! ;)

well, the one before the last photo is Yudha Prawira
he's one of the funniest, caring, and lovable person i knew
he left us all 3 years ago, motorcycle accident
you don't wanna know how miserable i am when he left me..
okaayy enough said, i don't have the guts to continue :')

the last one is Sarnowo Adhy Nugroho Prawirodimedjo
he's the kindest, the most patient guy i ever know
i need to stop here. haha.. thank you.

last but not leaaasssstttt..
picture taken 2 months ago


Assyifaa Salamah (Shyva)
Adhelien Maharani (Alint)
Ayu Tri Oktaviani Wulandari (Ayu)
Taufiqqurachman (Fiqi)
Rani Putriani (Rani)

Friday, August 28, 2009


once upon a time, not so long ago..

a girl named icha put on size 24,
sits well on her thigh and ankle but too big on the hips
supposedly size 22 should fit perfectly,
but owell she can't even bend her knees
and she can feel that her butt's gonna explode anytime soon.

the beloved Jeremy Au Yong once said:
' no you can't never alter your jeans'.

mmm.. then? any suggestion on how to deal with this?
anything seriously. she's desperate. anyone?
but please don't tell her to eat more cz she already eat like a monster.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Dear Friends,

pagi2 dengerin cruisin-nya sioen d library kampus yg super menerawang. well, sebenernya gk pagi2 banget juga sih jam stgh 11 gini (means sejam lg hrs brngkt ke kantor, hiks!) ngeliat keluar bs liat smoking area, org2 pada NNS (ngerokok2 stress) dgn earphone lengkap (mungkin lagu2 galau atau upbeat sekalian didengerin biar semangat mendung2 ber-angin gini) tumpukan kerjaan, kain, acrylic, dan laptop dgn setia menemani. kata org2 sih smoking area sini paling enak dan PW-nya stgh mati. hmm gk tau ya bnr nggaknya. haha.. d sebelah lg duduk si anak seangkatan (tp ya apa jarang bgt ngobrol, beda intake sih) yang berinisial S.H bikin jadi inget tmn prnah blg "iya, td gue ngantuk banget d kelas tp puji Tuhan (beneran doi lebay, kayanya ngantuk bgt deh) bs tidur. ketutupan rambutnya si S.H dong (ya iya sih rambutnya udah bak artis2 manga yg warnanya emas tua naik2 dragon style gitu) trs d depannya duduklah tmn2 seangkatan jg lg pada group meeting. ampun deh tampangnya stress smua.

okay, karena lagunya skrg jamaica's away-nya souljah (ten
ang bgt lagunya awww), td sempet berhenti sejenak dan melihat keadaan sekitar. sekarang udah week2 crucial buat anak2 Raffles. hari senin week 8, berarti 4 minggu lagi (atau 3 lah kalo dosennya baik mau nge-push kelas demi liburan lebih panjang. mreka pengertian jg sih 3 bulan penyiksaan nafasnya cmn dikasih seminggu) menuju final assessments dan iya, saat2 itu sih udah biasa liat muka2 cantik dan ganteng berubah jadi zombie. lucunya ya, di kampus tercinta seperti bisa dilihat dibawah ini:

(yang menurut Thirza kalo baru masuk main
gate udah kaya runway fashion show, gk ngerti dr mananya) week2 awal (apalagi week2 intake baru pada masuk) ih ya ampun pada cantik2 banget. apalagi yg anak2 fesyen, wow! you can see that they really put an effort to go to school! tapi ya semakin waktu berlalu bisa liat sih matanya item, gk lagi pake makeup, kalo diajak ngomong gk nyambung, baju udh berantakan, blm mandi (tp tetep wangi kok) hahaha parah deh.. bisa liat deh mana yg senior mana yg junior. beneran ya, senior2 udah bodo amat sama cara pake baju ke kampus. celana pendek, kaos, sama sendal jepit dengan rambut diiket ngasal tanpa makeup-pun jadi!

sekarang kalo nengok ke sebelah kanan, bisa ngeliat anak FD (fashion design, td d celananya nyangkut benang2 soalnya. udh nongkrong d studio dr kmrn malem kali ya?) lg selimutan duduk d salah satu computer library paling ujung mepet tembok. keliatan banget doi udh gk tidur berhari2 krn skrg lg merem sambil mijet2 kepalanya. kakinya dua2nya naik k kursi dan tangan kirinya meluk kakinya. keliatan banget kecapekan! rambutnya dicepol gk keru2an. sekeliling dia ada cw2 lagi nguap sambil stretching2 (dan barusan ikutan nguap juga deh -_-)

td malem cmn tidur 3 jam krn mesti ketemu dosen pagi2 cuman buat dimarahin doang. dia emang gitu sih, sangat2 cynical jd suka aneh sendiri. untungnya td dia suka sm kerjaannya, jd gk terlalu berisik. group project sih, jd ya okay-er daripada dimarah2in sndirian kan bete juga pagi2 blm tidur gini (eh akhirnya pemandangan segar! tmn sekelas yg emang super 'in' baru dateng fresh dr gym kayanya. wangi dan keker seger gitu walaupun doi harusnya puasa kan? cowo tp nggak deh, BTG - bukan tipe gue dan doi silent sekong sih kayanya hahaha.. tp bisa diliat juga sih stress beratnya.
lg mikirin konsep fashion spread pake backdrop projector gitu katanya. interesting..) anyways, kerjaan makin numpuk! otak udh mau meledak banget rasanya. kayanya sekampus ngerasain yg sama deh. kecuali buat mreka2 yg kuliahnya main2 ya. kadang suka ngiri jg sm mreka bs jalan sana jalan sini sementara kita2 rasanya udh kaya dipenjara, gk bisa kemana2! gpp lah, demi 9 bulan lg meraih gelar S1 - Bachelor of Design in Fashion Marketing and Management (hallo tolong ya i'm not a fashion design student! stop mixing up stuffs dehhhh) BOOYAAA! cool kan, Priska Lampangateia Patianom BDes. kira2 begini kali ya? :P

pesan moral dr post ini sih sebenernya satu, jangan pernah menganggap remeh anak2 yg masuk sekolah design. bilangnya mereka cuman buangan doang krn masuknya gampang (ini bohong sih, susah kali portfolio dll) gk belajar ilmu pasti atau business (well, kita belajar sih termasuk accounting and stuffs krn jurusannya gk pure design) tp tetep aja, kerjaan kita juga berat woiiii.. sampe gk tidur berhari2 krn ngejar deadline, pusing mikirin ide2 baru yg fresh from the oven demi approval dr dosen yg setengah mati susahnya didapetin, dll dll. jadi ya gitu deh hahah..

ini postnya panjang bgt ya? andaikan ngerjain research analysis, atau apapun bs seenak ini ngalir idenya dan secepet ini ngetiknya. haha.. dream on!

bisous! :*

cukup menampar

Everybody has their own private Mount Everest
they were put on this earth to climb.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

unplayed piano

She sits alone with her silent song
Somebody bring her home

Friday, August 21, 2009

VV Mix

When we started, both brokenhearted
Not believing it could begin and end in one evening

mommy please, help me :'(


my baby is turning
aw aw aw (:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

this is a very sensitive subject

One day some guys gonna break your heart
And ooh aint no pain like from the opposite sex
Gonna hurt bad but dont take it out on the next
Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too
Always tell the truth say your prayers
Hold doors pull out chairs easy on the swears
You're living proof that dreams do come true
You can cry aint no shame in it

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


i thought after all those sorries and rues you've said
(i really think you mean it tho, even if its too late)
you'll change and start to appreciate me more; for who i am
but naaahh.. looking back to our long conversation few mins ago,
ini sih sama aja kembali ke masa perbudakan gue!
you can stuff your sorries in a sack and walk away, mr.

quoting ardika:
dulu kamu pasti "iyaaaa" dengan senang hati
secara dulu loe cinta mati ma dia, dlm hati rela abis gt
kalo skrg kan "adooohh"

Monday, August 17, 2009


everybody knew we partners in crime
we always seen holdin' hands to the principal's office
in highschool he switched his desk next to mine
so we could cheat while doing pop quizzes all the time
I thought just having a friend it couldn't be no crime
'cause even I have friends and babys that fo sho

Saturday, August 15, 2009


constant compromise

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



i just need some time to clear my lil' head and think everything through.


if you know what i mean ...


Sunday, August 9, 2009

may 12th, ages ago

bay, hati2 ya.. keep that number 12 safe for me :')

Saturday, August 1, 2009

kejurnas, again?

"Monoarfa Ryan underbreaks (this fella) and yea overlaps (this fella)"
i hate it when the guy starts to say those stuffs.
feels like my heart stops, instantly!
i'm not gonna be there so please get back to me safely, one-piece mkay?
i'll sing ashlee simpson's pieces of me IF you got the 1st place. haha..
well baby, rock that circuit for me ❥