Here’s the deal, I don’t want to force myself but I have to; since my project (yup, singular. One single research paper!) is killing me. I am now in the National Library (7pm – after class that finished at 5:30pm) and I have no idea on when I’ll go home seeing that there are 10 socio-cultural books to review, not to mention I still have economics, psychological, and (of course) fashion sections to go.
As for tomorrow, I should meet my dearly beloved lecturer for a consultation on my project (which I’m doing now) at 8:30 in the morning, finishing about half an hour, and I’ll go straight to the National Library (again) until around 2 ‘cause I have tutorial class on 2:20 up to 6pm. I’ll grab some quick early dinner and rush down to the meeting place (as so it is called) up until 9:30pm, since it'll start around 7:45. Theeeeen I should go back home to continue on my paper. Last but not least, 9am class on the next day; 300 minutes (I need more, normally) of sleep.
Gonzo much?