Monday, March 9, 2009

Bits and Pieces of Reality

1. Once my 'recently added' playlist on my itunes contains more than 10 new songs, i'm gonna play it over and over again until i'm sick of it.

2. Having a baby dog chihuahua is one of my future considerations. Oh yea, a white one! And i'm gonna give her a strand of pink pearl necklace (especially for dogs, if there's any :p) I don't care people said that they looks like small ugly rats, i just love them! NOT because of paris hilton (ew!), but maybe because a chihuahua is a first dog that i made friends with (read: pony - elisa yoshigoe's)

3. A pair of red soles is what i really really want, NOW! :p

4. I have a tremendously big family. Like super big until when you see a guy walking pass in a family reunion and say: "he's cute!" - no surprise someone's gonna say to me: "yea, he's the son of this and this, your cousin? the one's who bites you when you're 3? remember?" yea, THAT BIG. Like what my sis said, good genes runnin in the family ;) *winks!*

5. To be honest, i have trouble with trusting people. especially now.

6. I don't understand why people said it's good to have a body like mine. Seriously, i'm thankful - but not this small! It's hard to find clothes that suits me best. mostly, they're too big. sad, huh? even topshop size 6! :s thanks to the petite section.

7. I don't drink coffee and alcohol (malibu pineapple is an exception, tho) - I just don't like the taste.

8. I enjoy cleaning up my room (and others too!). I like everything to be clean, smells nice, and looks nice. Oh sure, i inherit this from my mommy! ;)

9. Cigarette and the smell of the fume makes me sick. Like real sick -> coughing -> and even puking.

10. Figure skating is one of my passion that i have to sacrifice.

11. I would never give up on dancing. From ballet, jazz dance, tap dance to modern dance. No, no, no. Never!

12. I really think that i should go and hit the gym. Tone my body a lil bit. Like, let's say.. Rachele Brooke Smith? (watch center stage 2 for further reference) :D :D

13. Don't ever ask how much i love those who live at Jl. Lembah Pinus J5/11a Puri Cinere. Why? Cz i don't know how to answer. It's just.. T♡♡ BIG!

14. I like having a lot of friends, but those whom i enjoy being together with is always, always my inner circle (scroll up to question 5 to figure out why)

15. My real name should be Priscilla. That's why my grandma (or i should say, tambik) still call me Esuk (means grand daughter in dayaknese) Cilla. Oh yes she had the rights, cause she's actually the one who named me. Priscilla Lampangateia Patianom, sounds nice? ;)

16. I envy my sister for having the luck to be born in one of the European country. Maybe that's why i just have a thing for Europe rather than America (like others, usually) ?

17. The color baby milky pink = me. Don't ask, you'll find out yourself. haha.. easy!

18. I really hope i still can make it to Paris. Right, diki? ;)

19. I can stay unbathed (idk is this even a word? :s - according to urban dictionary, yes it is! :p) for days, but once i hit the shower, i'll spend AT LEAST 45 minutes inside. In short, it took me a long time for shower; usually.

20. La vie en rose, romance d'amour, and canon in d is my lifetime favorite songs.

21. I really wanna learn how to do shuffle dance like these guys:

22. Don't be surprised when you see how i treat ice cubes. Oh yes, imma crush them with my smally wally teeth, easily! :9 :9

23. Aromatherapy oil (or candles) and fluorescent night lights makes me happy. I'm such a big fan of them! :D

24. I don't eat chili and I can't eat with chopsticks. Deal with it.

25. As for me personally, having a special relationship with someone for more than 7 years (and still going) is stupefying! And i love it.

0 ♡s: