Sunday, March 22, 2009

Now What?

Okay, it's long enough for me not to update you and you don't wanna know why. I opened my facebook (yea yea slap me for being such a hypocrite) not so long ago and i realized that 'maann! facebook changed a lot!'. By seeing the unfamiliar interface, i decided NOT TO reactivate my facebook or even bother to create a new account. naaahh, its too cool for me and you know, i'm not cool at all. haha.. too much information (that i don't wanna know), anyways. Seriously, by not having facebook, it makes your life a lot easier! really!

Still waiting for my leggings to arrive safely to my postbox. It took greenpoppies friggin long to send it to me. I really" need it fazztt!

So you're asking for my response on how Brian McKnight and N*E*R*D turns out, huh? Oh yeaaa, they were super awesome and my oh my i can't stand McKnights! Those two boys really know how to sing. Can't wait for their first album with LOVE as the single!!! Feels funny when you missed out The Cinematic Orchestra's but you met them on N*E*R*D's concert!? Yea, yea, they only keep them for around half an hour (maybe less? :s) and one by one decided to leave - just like that. Hahaha.. Oil and water, huh? For Pharrel Williams, too bad i didn't go to makan sutera after the show. I shud've gone and meet you there. DUUUUUUDDEEEEE!

Oh, i bought a super big (A0) Amelie poster. Never seen this design before. It's the Japs version with katakana A-ME-LIE which i personally think super marvelous!

Shud've end this and do my A - Z projects instead, but naaahhh i won't. Still thinking on how on earth i could print it perfectly. Eurgh!

Haaa! Coldplay tomorrow! Sadly i missed Duffy's today. Totally forgot to buy her ticks cz i do remember CLEARLY that its next week and i still got time. Blah!

Bisous, i'm out!
(for today)

2 ♡s:

liviamc said...

chaa reactivate account? but i totally agree by not having fb, life is much easier :)
ga perlu worried dgn upload an foto2 org org ga penting.

Ateia said...

iya kmrn iseng beberapa kali. cuman kalo setiap log out jd deactivate. hehehe.. iya kan ya? rebek punya facebook. udah gt interfacenya pake diganti segala. big no-no (so far) :s bener deh org" gk penting jd berasa ilang kalo gk ada facebook. haha..