Friday, October 31, 2008

I really can't tell how much i miss you.

"is she gonna be able to handle things? can she be strong?"

You know me very well, you don't have to ask. I believe you can see what i can't even see.

"you're no longer a little girl who just have bubbly personality and cry sensitively bcos of small things"

See? ;)

Aaaaakkh, i'm longing to see you soon my one baby yg gk banyak cingcongggg :D Kita nonton SaTC season terakhir eps terakhir sampe keboboan lagi, ya? How about some cupcakes that we made ourselves (with the help of auntie Veena, of course) and a nice aromatheraphy burning oil? Three of us would enjoy it. Winter in Paris? 2010? 2011? Who knows?

0 ♡s: